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Think fast

Thoughts and ideas on how to build tools, automate workflows and speed-up the workplace.

February 2023 release notes

As Budibase continues to grow in users and usage we decided to dedicate February to improving the scalability and usability of Budibase. Undo/Redo A small but mighty feature, Undo/Redo has been on our backlog since day 1. With the February release, I’m pleased to announce users can undo/redo actions with the click of a button or using keyboard shortcuts. To undo an action, simply press Ctrl + Z / ⌘ + Z.

Joe Johnston

Mar 7, 2023

Custom App Development | Ultimate Guide

Custom app development is a huge undertaking - even for very simple solutions. It’s also one of the biggest investments your company is likely to make. When it comes to creating bespoke solutions for your team, it pays to get things right. The trouble is that there are so many distinct considerations to keep in mind. All sorts of technical, operational, and even creative decisions impact the ultimate success of your custom development project.

Ronan McQuillan

Mar 3, 2023

9 Must-Have Digital Transformation Platforms

Choosing the right digital transformation platforms is a central question in your internal ops. Realistically, there is no digital transformation without the right tools. The trouble is that the market today is so saturated with options. We all know by now that digitalization is a key priority for organizations of all sizes. What’s more challenging is figuring out the exact tech we need to achieve this in our own unique situation.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 24, 2023

Data Management Software Solutions | 2024 Buyer’s Guide

Data is the foundation of every successful organization today. Therefore, it follows that your choice of data management solutions has an outsized impact on the wider business. This is a lot of pressure for IT teams to get things right. The trouble is that data management is a pretty broad field, to say the least. Your decision-making here is going to affect just about every process at every level of your business - but, even worse, the effect won’t be uniform.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 24, 2023

When to Build vs Buy Software: 2025 Guide

Deciding whether to build vs buy software solutions is one of the central challenges for IT procurement teams. Each time we encounter a need for a new tool, capability, or other software asset, we’re faced with this decision. The trouble is, there are a lot of moving parts at play here. You see, on one level, this simply comes down to maximizing return on investment. However, so many different factors influence cost-effectiveness that it can be hard to know where to start.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 13, 2023

What are Internal Processes? + 7 Improvement Strategies

Internal processes are the basic building blocks of pretty much everything your business does. Every company has thousands of internal processes, whether they know it or not. These could be anything from how employees book time off to how your engineering department develops and ships new product features. No matter what kind of process we’re talking about, however, it pays to get things right. Ineffective, inconsistent, or undocumented processes are the enemy of efficiency.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 9, 2023

What is IT Transformation? + 8 Examples

It would be easy to write IT transformation as just another buzz phrase - but it’d be a big mistake too. You see, the IT department is the core of your operations, right across the rest of your organization. We talk a lot these days about digital transformation, but you won’t get far without the right tools, people, expertise, capabilities, and capacity. IT transformation helps you to achieve exactly that.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 9, 2023

3 Types of Workflow | In-Depth Guide

When it comes to building efficient internal operations, understanding the logic that governs common tasks is crucial. However, this is nearly impossible if we don’t have a firm grasp of the core types of workflow. That’s just what we’re covering today. You see, workflow is an incredibly broad term. We could be talking about just about anything - from simple vacation approvals to highly complex automated replenishment tasks. This presents us with a few major challenges.

Ronan McQuillan

Jan 3, 2023

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