budibase spaceman

Think fast

Thoughts and ideas on how to build tools, automate workflows and speed-up the workplace.

Create a Free MySQL GUI in 5 Steps

MySQL is one of the most popular database systems out there. And that’s for a good reason. It is lightweight, fast, easy to learn, and widely available. Using a MySQL GUI to manage your databases will help you make the most out of this tool. A GUI (Graphical User Interface) allows you to interact with your database with a visual interface. This allows you to see your data and use visual elements as opposed to text-based terminals and command lines.

Ronan McQuillan

Mar 20, 2024

How to Build a Self-Service IT Portal

Delivering IT services is a costly, laborious process. In particular, huge swathes of technical colleagues’ time is used up on relatively menial admin tasks. Today, we’re looking at one solution to this problem - building a custom IT portal to help users self-serve for common support tasks. Specifically, we’re going to demonstrate how we can use Budibase to build bespoke self-service portals with minimal custom coding. By the end, we’ll have a fully functioning, highly extensible solution for supercharging efficiency around IT service delivery.

Ronan McQuillan

Mar 20, 2024

Throwaway Prototyping | In-Depth Guide

Throwaway prototyping is an alternative way of thinking about building applications. Prototypes play several vital roles in the development process. For instance, providing proof of concept, fleshing out NFRs, experimenting with ideas, or simply gathering feedback. There’s an innate tension here though. On the one hand, prototyping obviously drains resources. Namely, development hours and the labor costs that come along with them. On the flip side, this expenditure can be hugely beneficial, or even completely central to a project.

Ronan McQuillan

Mar 19, 2024

Boosting developer productivity with Live Evaluation & Reusable Code Snippets

With today’s release, we’re pushing out two major updates to improve the developer experience in Budibase: Live Evaluation & Reusable Code Snippets. Live Evaluation offers real-time insights into your code’s behavior, allowing for immediate feedback without the constant need to toggle between the app preview and code editor. Meanwhile, Reusable Code Snippets, allow you to write blocks of JavaScript, such as formulas, in a centralized location, which can then be reused across your whole application.

Jamie Birss

Mar 19, 2024

What are the Components of an API?

Knowing the components of an API is obviously important for setting them up to do what you want. Otherwise, how can you ever expect to use them correctly? Today, we’re covering everything you need to know. We’re going to take each of the constituent parts of an API in turn and explain exactly what they are, what they do, and how you can use them. Along the way, we’ll think about real-world examples of why each one is important, and the specific scenarios where they’re useful.

Ronan McQuillan

Mar 14, 2024

New screen template – Forms 📄

Forms are fundamental to the Budibase experience. They are the gateway to your database, allowing you to add and update data with ease. With the critical importance of forms in mind, we’re excited to unveil our latest release: the Forms template. Traditionally, creating forms has been a time-consuming task, requiring developers to build each form from the ground up for every new application. This repetitive process not only slows down development but also diverts focus from more strategic tasks.

Jamie Birss

Mar 11, 2024

What is a CRUD App and How to Build One

We use CRUD apps every day. Most of the time, without noticing. They keep us organized, they help digitise business processes, and they’re critical to application development. But many of us are oblivious to what CRUD apps are, or how to build one. Within this post, I am to provide you with a simple and straightforward guide to the world of CRUD apps. The guide is broken down into three sections:

Joe Johnston

Mar 6, 2024

How to Build a Data Collection Form in 5 Steps

Data collection forms are critical to countless workflows - as diverse as client onboarding, field services, project discovery, incident responses, qualitative research, product surveys, and much more. In fact, they’re the building blocks of any data-centric process. Today, we’re diving deep into everything you need to know. Specifically, we’ll be covering the basics of what data collection forms are and where they’re used - as well as what our priorities are for creating effective solutions.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 29, 2024

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