July 2023 Product Update (v2.9)

Budibase is officially a collaborative platform where IT professionals can work together to build internal apps, faster. The July release introduces a number of new features, including; multiplayer support, running Budibase in an air-gapped environment, customizing the color of options within a select field, disabling notifications on blocks, and more.
Team up to move app building forward, faster
We are thrilled to announce that multiplayer mode is now available within the design and automate sections of Budibase. Creators can now:
- Give colleagues access to data.
- Invite teammates into your design process.
- Collaborate to build better automations.
- Build better apps with their team, faster.
Customize the color of options
Customize the color of options within Options and Multi-select fields.
Air-gapped deployment
Available to enterprise customers only.
Enterprise customers can now deploy Budibase within an air-gapped environment.
If you’re interested in deploying Budibase within an air-gapped environment, please contact sales .
Further updates
Disable notifications within Block components
Block components can be configured to disable notifications
Filter relationship pickers
You now now apply filtering to your relationship picker component.
Download system logs
Budibase self-host installations now support exporting system logs (up to 20MB).
New content
- How to work with REST APIs and Budibase
- Build a form on top of a SQL database
- Build an AI app in under 20 minutes
- Build a simple CRUD app on top of PostgreSQL
- What are the components of an API
- What are API headers
- Integration for digital transformation - 6 methods
- Workflow management database design
- What is an API call?
- Helpers - inbuilt functions to prevent the need for writing code
- How to scroll to top of screen
- Update date field on change
Bug fixes
- Cannot filter by relationship on new SQL datasource #7239
- Multiple loop steps can be added to an automation step causing loops to silently fail #7165
- Query bindings drawer - existing binding value is cleared on cancel #7090
- Catch parsing error in rowProcessor and prevent it firing bb-alert #7035
- When custom role doesn’t exist in production app - assigned users should be treated as public #7026
- Empty .update() call detected error displayed when updating a table record from the side panel #6924
- Not able to connect to gcp postgres SSL, client-cert client-key, server-ca #5262
- Selecting and de-selecting search fields on a Table block before ejecting causes the screen to permanently break #7280
- Field group layout type setting does not appear when ejecting a block #7276
- Clicking on Data or Automate tabs when a field dropdown is selected causes the page to open as a drawer #7275
- Number of filters set is different between Match Any and Match All #7264
- Fetch tables after upgrade to 2.8.1 spins infinitely when the datasource had no tables, only queries #7261
- [Builder] Bindings drawer HBS {{ /if }} syntax highlight issue #7260
- Edit column icon appears for datasource preview table #7254
- Cannot eject table block #7229
- Button action: ’navigate to’ screen selection is empty #7180
- if you create a google sheet table, you can’t delete it #7140
- Issues with Onchange update record events #7117
- Helm chart uses wrong image tags #7070
- User Access Field Empty for Invited User in App Side Panel when Invited via User Settings Panel. #7043
- Settings,Email, Broken ui in the base format email templates #7006
- Unexpected undo when editing inputs within the design view. #6987
- User Data table, edit user link is broken #6981
- CSV exporting and importing multi-select columns #6963
- Unable to create a user through email invite #6947
- Clear Form does not unselect multi select picker #6701
- Deleting a data provider with nested parent container will prevent component being added to screen initially #6651
- Add sorting option “None” #4998